This is a picture of Brooklyn playing dress-up. She makes a very pretty princess.
These pictures are of Brooklyn's first Krispy Kreme donut. Shipley's are our favorite donuts, but we went to Krispy Kreme for the experience. Brooklyn loves any donut!
My Birthday was this week and Brad made this cake all by himself. It is angel food cake which is not the easiest cake to make, but he did a great job. It was super yummy and I was so impressed.
So cute!! You should come play princess at our house - although it ends up in a concert.
I love those pictures. Krispy Kreme is right of passage in our house. I think caden had his first taste at three months!
I'm super impressed with the cake baking. Was the blackmail involved? I'm so glad I'm not the only one feeding my toddler Krispy Kreme!!
oops, I meant was "there" blackmail not was "the" blackmail involved....that would indicate I new of some which is not the case.
Great job to Mister Brad on the cake baking! Better late than never!:)
Very cute pictures. I am so impressed that Brad made an angel food cake all by himself. I don't think Keith would even think of trying something like that.
Happy Birthday! Nice work Brad:)
I am very impressed with Brad's baking skills. Brooklyn is looking so old!
Great Job little miss homemaker Brad. We knew you had it in you!
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