Monday, September 20, 2010

Zach & Seth Beach

I decided I needed a whole post just on the beach trip and it only ended up being a few hours thanks to a summer storm. Brad was taking the kids pretty far out in the water, but Zach only made it a little ways before the thought of stingrays sent him back to the beach. He spent the majority of his time finding cool seashells and sand dollars, and went home with quite a few. Seth loved being so far out and riding the waves. Brooklyn of course loves playing in the water, but she spends the whole time in her daddy's arms so who wouldn't. Lexie was good and pretty much just hung out.

This was the first time Lexie has been to the beach since she was a few weeks old.

The big kids going into the water and Zach coming back out.

Looking for sand dollars and shells.

Left: Building Brooklyn a mermaid tale
Right: Zach and in the specks in the distance next to him are Brooklyn, Seth & Brad

1 comment:

Becca Queen of Chaos said...

LOVE THE BEACH!! What great pictures!