Thursday, August 13, 2009

Visit to the Dentist

Brooklyn had her first visit to the dentist on the 4th of August and she did great. They all said she looked like Princess Giselle and she was super thrilled they thought she was a princess. It was a super fun office. She wore princess sunglasses, got a new toothbrush, lots of stickers and rode on a toy horse. The dentist and hygienist wore flavored gloves and she got to pick her favorite flavor of everything. I love that her first experience to the dentist was a good one and I wish it were that fun for me to go to the dentist.


Lauren said...

I could go for some flavored gloves!

Ben, Amy, Isabelle & Olivia said...

I'm glad she liked the dentist. We got a card in the mail from them thanking us for "referring" you.

Belle LOVES the Wiggles post and keeps making sure IF the wiggles return, we WILL be there.