Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Our Very Own Personal Trainer

(This is not the best picture, but all I got.)

This past weekend our good friend Josh came to town to visit. He was one of Brad's mission companions and has turned into one of his very best friends. Josh is a strength and conditioning coach at BYU, so while he was here we got our very own personal trainer. We went shopping for weights and miscellaneous equip, he set us up our very own workout that we videotaped, and he set us up on a nutrition plan.

Right now, I would have to say that I have a love/hate relationship with him personally. I love him most the time, but every time I move or sneeze not so much. All kidding aside, it has been great and we are super excited about it. Josh you are awesome! I am posting about this for two reasons, one to tell everyone what a great friend Josh is, and the other to make us more accountable. Brad wants to lose 30 pounds and I want to lose 15. I will keep you posted on our progress and hopefully it will all be good.

We didn't only workout while he was here though. Brad and Josh managed to hit the links 3 times, we had a day at Six Flags in the rain, and had a great time hanging out and catching up.


Shannon said...

How fun...I think. I started a boot camp today with Michelle Widowski that will only be 4 weeks long (a pre-summer thing). I couldn't do too much from having my surgery, but hopefully I will not let her down. It's hard when you like the person that is so hard on you, huh? Good luck and stay strong. One thing she is having us do is not eat anything 2-3 hours before bed and writing everything that we eat down. She recommended the website fitday.com Keep me posted! And I may stop by Taco Bell tomorrow...definite heaven!

Misty said...

That is great! Good Luck! YOu can do it!
No white rice for dinner!!!!

Ben, Amy, Isabelle & Olivia said...

I am glad you guys had fun with your buddy in town! You have had a lot of company lately! I guess it is that time of year!