My labor was induced the morning of the 28th. It progressed fairly slowly, and by 8:00pm that evening I was only a 5 and barely 50% effaced. It appeared that my attempt at a VBAC was going to be unsuccessful. My doctor was great though and let me keep trying. She wasn't super optimistic but gave me more time and thankfully she did. At 10:00 they came in to check me and I was at a 10 and her head was in the birth canal. I pushed for almost two hours and our sweet little baby Alexis was born. She came out with a dark head of curly hair. The brown hair surprised us all. We thought we would have a blonde or another red head.
As soon as I started to push Grandma Peggy and Grandpa Malcolm pulled Brooklyn out of bed and made the trek back to the hospital to meet baby Alexis. My mom got to the room just before she arrived and was able to witness the birth. Brooklyn was very tired but so excited to meet her new sister.
Mommy, Alexis and Daddy spent the next two days in the hospital and they let us go home at 6:00 on Friday evening (April 30th).
Since then we have all been adjusting to life as a family of four. We have been blessed to have the help of wonderful family; my mom and Malcolm, and my fabulous cousin
Angie and her daughter Chloe. Alexis is a super sweet baby and is really quite good. She sleeps a lot, like most newborns, loves her paci, and only sleeps at night if she is being held.
Lexie will be three weeks old tomorrow and I find myself already wondering where the three weeks have gone. She is already getting so big and filling out and we are enjoying every minute of it.
Sounds like things went well! What a beautiful little girl and cute family. Congrats!!
I'm so happy you didn't have to have a C-section! She is so beautiful, I see some Brooklyn in her. Congrats!!
She is so cute!! I'm so happy for you guys. I too see some of Brooklyn in her. So fun! Hope u guys are enjoying ever minute. Miss u!!
I'm so glad tat you've had help! I wish I could come and hold her for you some night. Hopefully I'll get to meet her before too long.
Oh! She is beautiful!! I am so excited for you guys!!
Yeah, welcome Alexis!!! I wish we were closer so we could all play together!!! She looks like her big sister more to me now and Brooklyn looks so proud to hold her! Love it!
It will be interesting to see what her hair turns out to be like. Glad she is sleeping for you, even if you have to hold her. The days go by sooooo fast. Olivia is 12 weeks today!
La love the pic on top! So cute!!
She's a cutie just like her big sis! We need to meet up somewhere for a football game or meet in Vegas...definitely something. I need to meet her and say hi to Brooklyn too!
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