Thursday, May 27, 2010

Lexie's First Month

Alexis (left) Brooklyn (right)
(1 month old)

I cannot believe that Alexis is one month old today! She is such a joy and we are so happy to have her in our family. She really is a great baby. Lexie is a great eater and her chubby cheeks are witnesses of that. Thankfully Alexis LOVES her pacifier and is usually easily calmed. She is also becoming a great sleeper. She sleeps much of the day away in her swing, bouncer, or mommy's arms and is up most of the evening. She has started to be a little colicky and only wants mommy during that time. She gets so upset that her whole body turns bright beet red from the tippy top of her head to the ends of her toes. We are even getting a little more sleep at night with a wedge made for reflux babies. She usually only wakes up once or twice a night and I no longer have to hold her at night for her to sleep. She does not have reflux like Brooklyn but she definitely has some form of it. She has to be burped constantly and she spits up from the time she eats until it is time to eat again. You can hear the milk coming up and her trying to send it back down where it belongs. We have thankfully only had projectile vomit 5 to 6 times so far, and I find this as a great blessing after Brooklyn. She loves to be naked and feels that her diaper being off is a signal to go to the bathroom, unfortunately we are not only talking about urine.

Brooklyn is doing well adapting to her sister. She is definitely not the all over her baby sister type. She is glad she is here but happy to keep her distance for the most part. She does play mommy much more often, and acts out things she sees me doing with the baby. Brooklyn is a great help with Lexie though. Anytime she hears that she has a dirty diaper she is running to get me a new one. She loves to pick out Lexie's clothes, blankets and burp rags for the day (we go through lots of these). She has also started to get more interested in her and will talk to her and get Lexie's pacifier when she starts to fuss and I am in the middle of something.

We are so thankful for our two sweet girls and cannot believe that this first month has flown by so quickly. I look at them growing and I am sad with each passing day as they each get bigger. I know they have to, but I just don't want them to.

We have also been blessed with visitors this month to help us get used to two children and no sleep. Grandma Peggy and Grandpa Malcolm were here for a week after her birth and helped us get settled. After another week with very little sleep, my awesome cousin Angie and her adorable daughter Chloe came out for a week to help. We were able to get in some fun time while they were here. Brad took the girls to the pool many nights. We even fit in a short trip to the beach where Lexie and I stayed under the beach umbrella enjoying the wonderful beach breeze. It was great to have them here. Angie and her family lived in Phoenix for part of the time we were there and we miss them so much. Chloe and Brooklyn played non-stop and it was great for Brooklyn to have someone to play with. Angie also took some adorable pics of Alexis and Brooklyn. Here are some pics from the last month.

At the beach

Lexie has a birthmark on her ankle in the shape of a perfect little heart. I love it!

Lexie on her sister's lap

Chloe and Lexie

Chloe and Brooklyn after the pool. (Brooklyn isn't cold that is her trying to smile.)


Becca Queen of Chaos said...

I loved this post so much. You make beautiful babies. I just adore your family.

Pili said...

congratulations you guys! We miss you guys and love you guys! Hugs and kisses to the kids for us.

Jason and Shannon Ewing said...

sooo cute!! they really look alike in thos pics, what dolls. is it just me or did Brooklyn have a growth spirt? she looks so tall!! miss u guys!

Melissa said...

I'm so excited for you! She is beautiful.