Monday, January 18, 2010

Shorty Got Low, Low, Low....

This a post for the memories.

The other day we went to the University Mall (aka ghetto mall) to pick up something they only had at this mall. In seeing a movie at this mall last week, we had vowed never to return especially after dark. Unfortunately, the vow had to be broken but it was and only will be broken under very extenuating circumstances.

Upon walking into the mall we were given a one of a kind ghetto show. There was a ghetto blasting car "hoppin" along our parking aisle. He rolled down his window and yelled to the hood rat girl next to it something and the next thing we know... "She hit the floor... She turned around and gave that big booty a smack" to the tune of Shorty got low, low, low, low, low, low, low, low. She actually put her hand on the ground turned her head toward the car and shook her big old booty in the air.

For a second, we were glad we broke the vow.


Meg said...

HAAAAHAAAA! People really do that! I my that must have been a site to see.

Pili said...

Oooooooh, you guys are lucky!

sara,mike,rhett,and gage said...

that makes me want to come visit you guys even more!

Tracie said...

Thanks for the laugh i needed that today!

Suzie said...


Becca Queen of Chaos said...

HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!! Man, sorry I missed it!!

Melissa said...

Wow. That happens in real life? So funny. Ok, Tiff, you've seen the demonstration, now you know what to do.