Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Fabulous Fourth!

This is our trip continued, but the last post. Brooklyn and I got the chance to spend the 4th of July in Las Vegas with part of my family. We missed Brad dearly, but it was a fun time.

One of my favorite memories as a child was going to Nellis Air Force base with my cousins, grandma, and family to watch 4th of July fireworks. This year we were able to go again. They always play patriotic music (duh, its the base) and I love being surrounded by all the men and women that serve our country and this fabulous holiday. The fireworks are always pretty great too. This year was definitely no exception.

We had a picnic and hung out on the grass listening to live music while we waited for fireworks; the kids played and we all had a great time.

p.s. I also finally purchased the patriotic dress I had been coveting at Children's Place. It finally went on sale. I was so proud of myself for waiting.

Grandma getting loves from Grandma, this is where she spent most of her time. It was always about grandma!

Rhett enjoying a little ice cream.

Malcolm enjoying his sandwich. Your welcome, you know everybody loves pictures of themselves eating.

Mike just chillin'.

Sarah my sister-in-law making faces like always.

Rhett enjoying his dinner. Doesn't he look comfy?

I didn't get much of Brooklyn's time that night. She spent most of it with Grandma, but I did get a few snugs.

Brooklyn in her new dress (cute, huh?) sporting the princess pose she learned at Disneyland.

Gage, just chilling and waiting for the fireworks to start.


Lauren said...

I LOVE that dress.

sara,mike,rhett,and gage said...

you have some cute pics of the kids. Me on the other hand, I don't look so good.Yikes! The dress was really cute. We can't wait to see you guys back in vegas for another visit!